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Know Your Rights

All people in the U.S., whether citizens or non-citizens have certain rights under the U.S. Constitution and other laws.

  • You have the right to refuse consent for immigration or the police to search yourself, your car, or you.  

  • You have the right to remain silent. If you want to exercise that right, you should say it out loud.

  • If you are not a U.S. citizen, you have the right to call the consulate of your home country. Immigration and police must let your consulate visit or speak with you.

  • You have the right to speak to an attorney before answering any questions. You may say, “I will remain silent until I speak to an attorney.”

  • You do not have to sign anything that you do not understand.

  • You have the right to a copy of all your immigration papers.


What to do if you are an immigrant stopped by law enforcement agents. No matter your immigration status, you have rights when you interact with immigration agents or the police. Print and share these cards in your communities.

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***This is not intended as legal advice***