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Your Admission to UCM

Now that you have been admitted to UC Merced, you must adhere to all the following to maintain your admission:

Conditions of Admission

Offers of admission are provisional until the campus receives your final official transcript and verifies successful completion of ALL coursework required for UC eligibility. UC Merced provides newly admitted students with conditions for admissions that must be satisfied before enrollment at the University.

Although UC Merced maintains the right to withdraw an offer of admission if any of the below conditions are not met, make the Office of Admissions aware of any changes, the Office of Admissions might be able to suggest alternatives in the event your admission appears jeopardized. Inform the UC Merced Office of Admissions of any changes by posting them to “myCourseUpdate” in your student portal at

Conditions of Admissions for Freshman Applicants are (Conditions of Admission are posted on your student portal):

  • Maintain eligibility.
    • High school diploma or equivalent
    • GPA of 3.0 or above (nonresident: 3.4)
  • Notify the Office of Admissions immediately by email of any changes in the planned coursework indicated on your application (specifically, adding or withdrawing from any courses or enrolling in a college other than previously indicated). Please note: We strongly discourage you from changing your schedule.
  • Notify the Office of Admissions immediately if you earned a grade below C in any of your senior year courses by posting them to “myCourseUpdate” in your student portal. One D or F grade in your senior year may cause you to be ineligible for the University of California, and you are obligated to report this grade to UC Merced immediately.
  • UC Merced will not consider SAT or ACT scores for admission or scholarship purposes.
  • If listed on your portal, ensure that official results of Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams are received by the Office of Admissions.
  • Ensure that the Office of Admissions receives final official transcripts from high school and all higher-education institutions attended. Final official transcripts must show grades received for the fall term. If you or your college(s) cannot comply with these conditions, you must notify the Office of Admissions in advance, by email ( or telephone (209-228-7178).

Please note: If you enroll in a college summer session, the session must end before UC Merced’s first day of the Fall 2023 semester.

Conditions of Admissions for Transfer Applicants are (Conditions of Admission are posted on your student portal):

  • Maintain eligibility. Complete all courses you indicated as “in progress” or “planned” with grades of C or better. If you receive a D, F, W, NP, or NC grade, you must notify the Office of Admissions immediately by completing the “myCourseUpdate” form in your student portal.
  • Be in good standing (minimum 2.0 grade-point average) at your last institution and in your last term, including the summer session.
  • Notify the Office of Admissions immediately by email of any changes in the planned coursework indicated on your application (specifically, adding or withdrawing from any courses or enrolling in a college other than previously indicated). Please note: We strongly discourage you from changing your schedule.
  • Ensure that the Office of Admissions receives official transcripts from all higher education institutions you attended by the deadline. If you or your college(s) cannot comply with these conditions, you must notify the Office of Admissions in advance, by email or telephone.

Please note: To have any potential transferable credit reviewed for course placement, unit credit, or subject credit, all official documents, including AP or IB exam scores and/or official college transcripts, must be received in the Office of Admissions by the deadline.

Review of Admission Decisions

Our campus reviews each applicant's record thoroughly, and admission decisions are rarely reversed. However, students who are not admitted may request a review of the decision if they believe there was an error in the evaluation or can provide new and compelling information not included in the initial application. UC Merced has specific procedures to handle such appeals. Contact the campus admissions office for information at

Acceptance of Admission

Now that you have been offered admission, the Office of Admission will issue you a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) form or direct you to a website where you can declare your intent to register. 

You are strongly encouraged to wait until you hear from each campus you have applied to before you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Students who are admitted as fall-term freshmen must submit the SIR by May 1. Students who are admitted as fall-term transfer students must submit the SIR by June 1.

You may accept admission to one campus only. You may not transfer your acceptance from one campus to another after you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). A $250 nonrefundable deposit must accompany your acceptance.

Check your student portal daily at for updates, requests, and upcoming deadlines on your “To Do List” for the Office of Admissions, Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of the Registrar. Review the “Admitted Students” website for more information.


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